
Kate Panayi

I passionately believe in the body’s amazing natural ability to heal itself. However, sometimes we become out of balance and need assistance returning to health. Homeopathy can help this process in a safe, gentle and natural way.

I came to homeopathy personally, via a series of health crises. I had struggled with recurrent and debilitating sinusitis for years, and was subclinical with an autoimmune thyroid condition.

I turned to homeopathy as a desperate, last resort and I was amazed at the results. I was so impressed, I started to take my two sons for treatment too - they were struggling with common childhood conditions of asthma, eczema and glue ear, and more latterly Long Covid.

Homeopathy has helped us all overcome our individual health challenges and to strengthen our immune systems. I am so passionate about the power of homeopathy I decided to train myself so that I could assist others.

I believe in empowering my clients - it is a homeopathic partnership and I am excited to support my clients on their journey back to health.